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The Team Galactic Grunt is not in the Great Marsh, he is directly outside of the entrance building. Talk to him after you have 4 Badges and he'll run off. Chase him and keep on chasing him until he battles you then he'll run off, keep on following the path until Cynthia stops you.

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Q: Where is team galatic grunt in the great marsh in Pokemon diamond nds?
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well depends on the guy is he team galatic boss? if it is just have a Pokemon at lv 70 if its just a grunt have a Pokemon at lv 20

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you have to beat the snowpoint city gymleader go to the lake by it then go to the front of the galatic velstone bilding talk to the grunt in front of it and he will drop it

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well depends on the guy who is he is he team galatic?if its the boss lets just say have a Pokemon at lv 70 if its a grunt just have a Pokemon at lv 20

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there's a guy in floarama meadow who gives you the windworks key after you beat galactic grunt

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You are going the wrong way!

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go to the veilstone building where there is a door locked there is a galatic grunt there

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Ok you talk to Cynthia in Pokemon diamond but where is she I need the secret potion?

Ok First You have to beat the gym leader in Pastoria City Then follow the Team Galatic grunt that talks to himself out loud next to the Safari Zone Keep following him and Then Cynthia will appear Enjoy =]

The fifth badge for Pokemon diamond?

go pastoria city go to the great marsh talk to the galactic grunt right in front of it keep following him

I have the Pokemon Platinum game and I keep on looking in Veilstone city for the galatic grunt for the galatic key but I cant find him Did I forget something or do something wrong?

looker has it and your mama toto actually looker dose have it but first you have to talk to galactic grunt and then go to the warehouse and if you get on some of the yellow platforms you go to the celler and you find a poke'ball with a galactic key in it