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Team Galactic in Mt. Coronet is when you get to the top ( the snowy part) go out of the cave into the snow, then go right through the grass, up, then you find the rocky wall, then climb it. Go left then down through the grass, or through the boulders. You find a sort of big field of grass.Go all the way left then up, and you'll soon find a tunnel. Go in it. Go up the rocky part up ahead in the cave. Up, right, then slightly down, then down the steps and to the right, out of the tunnel. More snow. past the rocks and down the steps. go straight to the rocky hill. IT'S ON THE LEFT. NOT STRAIGHT. go up the hill then left, down the steps, then left until the ledge. Down a bit, then on the right, there's a cave. Go in, down, then right, and up the stairs. Right, down,left, up the stairs. follow the short path. . . THEN SPEAR PILLAR!! IT'S TEAM GALACTIC! And there you go.

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Q: Where is team galactic in mount coronet?
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you have 2 go 2 the peak of mount coronet but there r instructions on a website just type in HOW DO I GET TO THE PEAK OF MOUNT CORONET ON POKEMON DIAMOND FOR DS and it will tell you how

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Yes they are at the top of mount coronet in the spear pillar. You cant go there until you beat team galactic though. By marcus4469/showniruk

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