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Route 44 is to the east of Mahogany Town, only accessible after receiving the 7th Badge.
You walk jackass

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Q: Where is route 44 heartgold?
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How do you get to the eighth gym in heartgold?

Go through Ice Path on Route 44

Where is tangela in HeartGold?

Route 21 is best, but you could also try route 28 and 44. Hope I helped!

How do you find a weepinbell on Pokemon HeartGold?

To find a Weepinbell. You should go to Route 24, Route 25, Route 44, and Safari Zone OR just simply evolve a Bellsprout which can be found at Route 5, Route 6, Route 24, Route 25, Route 31, Route 32, and Route 44.

How can you pass the man on route 44 in HeartGold?

yes you can pass him you just have to buy a rage candy bar

Where can you find Lickitung in HeartGold and SoulSilver?

You can find Lickitung on Route 44 or in the Safari Zone [Mountain Area]

Pokemon HeartGold how do you get onto route 44?

Why are you even playing heart gold? if you are then it must be the illegal ROM or something.

How do you get buizel in Pokemon HeartGold?

In HeartGold, buizel appears in Route 6, Route 9, Route 10, Route 13, Route 21, Route 22, Route 24, Route 25, Route 26, Route 27, Route 28, Route 30, Route 31, Route 32, Route 35, Route 42, Route 43, Route 44, Route 45, Route 47, Ruins of Alph, and Mt. Silver

How do you get to route 214 in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't get to Route 214 in "Pokémon HeartGold" because there is no such thing as Route 214 in "HeartGold."

Where is ice path in pokemon heartgold?

On Heartgold and Soulsilver versions, the ice path is located right outside of route 44. After you defeat the trainer next to the cave entrance,you can go inside.

How do you get tangela in HeartGold Kanto?

It is outside of Mt. Silver, in Route 21, 28, and 44, or use Headbutt on trees at Fuchsia City.

Where is route 26 in Pokemon HeartGold?

its on route 26

What Pokemon are in the HeartGold swarms?

Ditto---Route 47 Snubull---Route 38 Dunsparce---Dark Cave Remoraid---Route 44 Yanma---Route 35 Chansey---Route 13 Marill---Mt. Mortar Qwilfish---Route 32 Wingull---Vermilion City Poochyena---Route 1 Whishcash---Violet City Swablu---Route 45 Ralts---Route 34 Buneary---Route 25 Luvdisc---Route 27 Clamperl---Route 19 Relicanth---Route 12 Kricketot---Viridian Forest Sableye---Heartgold Only---Route 9 Baltoy---Heartgold Only---Route 3 I hope that helps everyone.