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near 5th gym

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Q: Where is route 23 in Pokemon soul silver?
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Between Viridian City and Victory Road... What about route 23? Is there even one?

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Level 23

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Shroomish > lvl 23 > Breloom

What level does snubbull evovle in Pokemon soul silver?

level up snubull to level 23

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Gastly level 21 Haunter level 21 Haunter level 23 Gengar level 25

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route 23

When will bellsprout evolve in Pokemon Soul Silver?

Bellsprout evolves at level 21 if I'm not mistaken, might be 22 or 23, but I'm pretty sure its 21.

Where do you get mankey on Pokemon Yellow?

In Route 3,4, and 23.

Where to catch onix on Pokemon soul silver?

A trainer in Violet City will trade you a Bellsprout for one. Alternatively, you can catch Steelix in the Cliff Cave on Route 47 at Lv. 23. Breed with a Ditto, or another Steelix, it will hatch into an Onix with no name, unless you name it yourself. Source: I have the Guidebook.

Where is route 23 in Pokemon Gold version?

There is no route 23 in Pokemon gold but if you mean heart gold it is the north exit of indigo plateau south exit of route 22 and west exit of victory road.

How do you get past route 27 in Pokemon crater?

I think you go to route 23 and it will say to jump to route 28

Where in Pokemon Black 2 do you get vuluby?

You get Vullaby on Route 23