In Sapphire you can only obtain a Remoraid by trading with someone. Remoraid can be found in Emerald in the safari zone on the bottom right by fishing.
There isn't a giant remoraid. It is just a regular remoraid.
remoraid will evolve into octillery at level 25.
it's impossible to get remoraid. trade it from gold or silver.
Remoraid evolves at level 25 into Octiliery. Octiliery can be caught in some Pokemon versions that have Remoraid by using the Super Rod in the same water Remoraid is found in.
At LEVEL 25, Remoraid evolves into Octillery. Hope I helped!
no, you can't. BUT if you trade, you get it.
You must trade one from emerald or colosseum.
There isn't a giant remoraid. It is just a regular remoraid.
Remoraid is a water type Pokemon
yes, remoraid evolves into octillery
remoraid evolves at level 25
Remoraid is a pokemon(water type)
Remoraid Evoles into Octillery at level 25. :)
these Pokemon are only obtainable in leaf green not in fire red/ruby/sapphire/emerald: Slowpoke Sneasle Misdrearvus Remoraid they are pritty needed for a perfect team
your remoraid must be at level 25 to evolve your remoraid hint don't evolve remoraid yet first you must have remoraid in your party next put a mantyke in your party after level up your mantyke while you have remoraid in your party and your mantyke will evolve into mantine!
Remoraid evolves at level 26 into Octillery 8]
remoraid evolves into octillary. :) octo-octo octopus!