Red is always at Mount Silver. He is at the summit, the very top level, outside. You may not have reached him yet. And you must have all the Kanto and Johto badges for him to appear.
Technically Ash is not in Pokemon Crystal, instead there is trainer Red but we all know it is Ash. Trainer Red (Ash) is located in Mount silver. After you get every badge in the game, go to prof. Oak and he will unlock mount silver for you. you must use flash to see inside the cave and look around for Trainer Red.
Bulbasaur can only be obtained after you defeat Red on top of Mount Silver. Go talk to Oak when you defeat him you will be able to pick one the three original starters.
in mount silver go up the waterfall rather than the rocks.
Go to mount silver (With a Pokemon that knows rock climb) climb to the top, and challenge Red.
at the peak
He is on top of mount silver
He is at the peak
It's called Mount Silver and you can battle Trainer Red and capture Moltres there.
red who is at the very top
go to mount silver and walk until you reach a trainer. he is red. he will say...... then battle you.
on mount silver
Catch moltres and battle red
You must beat Red, the game's version of Ash, at the top of Mount Silver.
The reason Red is on Mt. Silver is unknown. He had previously defeated everyone in the game. He probably is there because of the need to train.
Red is at the top of Mount Silver, you need to use the HM Rock Climb to get all the way up to him.