Fly to pokemon league, go to victory cave, he's at the very bottom left corner :)
Psychic Bryce has a gengar in Pokemon platinum.
A Gengar can be seen in a battle with Psychic Bryce in Victory Road.
Go to Victory Road, make sure you have someone with Rock Climb, and go to the first trainer on the bottom left (You'll see it) and he's a Psychic named Bryce. He'll battle you with a Gengar.
Gallade, but he is psychic fighting type.
psycho cut, psychic , trick room and teleport.
Psychic Bryce has a gengar in Pokemon platinum.
A Gengar can be seen in a battle with Psychic Bryce in Victory Road.
noctowl doesnt learn psychic
Go to Victory Road, make sure you have someone with Rock Climb, and go to the first trainer on the bottom left (You'll see it) and he's a Psychic named Bryce. He'll battle you with a Gengar.
Gallade, but he is psychic fighting type.
Route 211
Behind the ELite FOur place.
A Psychic near the entrance to Victory Road.
Note: You can meet a trainer with a Gardevoir after you have beaten the Elite Four and given the VS. Seeker. Psychic Abigail on Route 214 Ace Trainer Maya on Route 215 Ace Trainer Olivia on Route 217 Interviewers Roxy&Oli in Eterna City and Veilstone City Psychic Bryce on Victory Road 1F Ace Trainer Natasha in Stark Mountain Interior Psychic Chesley in Stark Mountain Interior
The first Psychic you'll encounter has one.
master ball
Cresselia found at fullmoon island. Psychic type.