At a place, with people and Pokemon, that has power and plants. It's really nice , but scary :0
Its east of cerulean city use Surf on this route to reach the power plant.
You don't get the power plant, you go to it. It's in Cerulean city on route 10, when you defeated all of the gym leaders and the elite four, right next to the power plant is Zapdos
at mistys gym after you battle the team rocket grunt look in between tubes or in tubes [Not Sure] there is a piece that says power plant piece then go to the power plant and give it to the guy.
you can find it in the power plant, or the department store. the power plant is accessible after you get surf.
you go to the cerulean gym by the floaties on the left after take it back to power plant
A hydrolic power plant is a power plant that uses water. The hydrolic power plant uses the evaporation and condensation of water to work. The largest hydrolic power plant is Itaipu power plant.
Thermal power plant,Hydro power plant,Nuclear power plant,Diesel power plant.
The power plant produces power
electricity is made in a power plant.
This type of plant is called a hydro power plant.
It is type of thermal power plant
In the power plant managers office.
The Power Plant was created in 1976.
A power station (also referred to as a generating station, power plant, powerhouse or generating plant) is an industrial facility for the generation of electric power.
If you get to the end of the power plant zapdos will be there.
The power plant by the rock tunnel has Zapdos
A power plant is designed to produce electricity.