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it is in the book room

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Q: Where is paint by numbers on club penguin?
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Related questions

How do you get the blue face paint on club penguin?

Unless Club Penguin releases the blue face paint again, you can't get it. That is an old item.

What are the numbers on the lock in Club Penguin?

ibbu123 password ibdaatdDDHFGF ON CLUB PENGUIN

How do you customize your penguin by using paint in Club Penguin?

you cant dudes. You cant paint your penguin only if you wanna hack or get band. So no you cant pain your penguin

What is the code for face paint on club penguin?

dhfsi141 is the code for face paint on cp

How do you get red belt on club penguin?

paint it red flash

What does P1243746 mean on Club Penguin?

the P stands for penguin and the numbers are for what number the penguin is.

How do you activate your cards for Club Penguin on Club Penguin?

you scratch off the silver coating than go to club penguin type in the numbers and u are finished

How do you enter the numbers for Club Penguin?

you cant

How make numbers on Club Penguin?

You cant

What are the numbers to activate your club penguin account?

You get the numbers from your email. You use the email that you gave them to create your penguin.

Why is your Club Penguin name penguin then numbers?

It shouldnt be not anymore. Now club penguin fixed that and some people have chosen their names like that.

How do you press to paint with the working penguin costume on Club Penguin?

Don't wear anything but the costume and dance.