Mt. Coronet cannot be reached in Pokémon Emerald. It is not possible to visit regions outside of the version's main setting. It's especially impossible to visit locations or regions that haven't been created prior to a version's release.
There is a map of Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh region.
Mt coronet is only in diamond or pearl or platinum not in firered.
the easiest way to do so is to get a magnemite in emerald and evolve it in emerald and then transfer it to pal park and do a capture show. then level the magneton up in mt. coronet.
Get the national dex and transfer from ruby, sapphire, or emerald or in Mt. Coronet on the snowy area by using the Poke Radar
Spear Pillar is at the top of Mt. Coronet (Sky Pillar, where you catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, does not appear in Platinum).
there is no mt. coronet in emerald that i know of
Mt. Coronet is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, not Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. You must be thinking about Mt. Pyre.
Mt chimney is not on Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum. On D&PP it is mt coronet, mt chimney is on ruby, Sapphire and emerald.
Chimecho can be found off in Sendoff Spring and floors 5-7 of Mt Coronet.
Mount Coronet is in Sinnoh, not in Hoenn. It is only accessible in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum. Repeat: I WILL NOT ASK WHERE A MOUNTAIN THAT IS IN ANOTHER REGION IS IN THE REGION THAT I AM SEARCHING IN. You cannot find Mount Coronet in Pokemon Emerald. It just won't happen.
If you're playing Diamond, the Pokemon in Mt. Coronet should be Dialga. You have to get the 7th badge before you are able to get to the top of Mt. Coronet where Dialga is though.
There is a map of Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh region.
Mt coronet is only in diamond or pearl or platinum not in firered.
in Pokemon diamond
the easiest way to do so is to get a magnemite in emerald and evolve it in emerald and then transfer it to pal park and do a capture show. then level the magneton up in mt. coronet.
Get the national dex and transfer from ruby, sapphire, or emerald or in Mt. Coronet on the snowy area by using the Poke Radar
You can get clefairy in 2 ways: 1. First you need a ditto and a cleffable. Then you put them at the day care. After a while of walking around, there will be an egg. When it hatches it will be a cleffa. You can level it up until it is a clefairy. 2. You can trade clefairy from Fire Red or Leaf Green onto emerald.