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Q: Where is mount blackhead in fusion fall?
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What level in fusion fall do you have to be to go to mount blackhead?

level 14 is when you can you the gear and C.R.A.T.E.S. drop

Where to find skate board in fusion fall game?

you can't find it because you have to use the code ffcflyinginstyle. [P.S. the code isn't valid anymore, so no more vehicles for a while but the fusion fall people are going to make a guy who sells vehicles]

Were is the vehicle shop in fusion fall future?

well... there is a vendor in ship's ship and at mount blackhead (i think that's what its called) hope this helps there is in peech creek commons and forsaken valley and pockey oaks north

Where to get a vehicle in fusion fall in the past?

Go to month Blackhead, Townsvile or in Ships Interior. If u go in Mounth Blackhead or Townsvile the lowest level of venicle is level 10, but if you go in Ships Interior in City station the lowest level of venicle is level 11.

Fusionfall what location is mount blackhead?

some where in orchird bay

Where do you get the action blindfold in fusion fall?

In the future you can get it at sector v from the egger. And hopefully the past eggers have it which is located at mt blackhead, peach creek commons, forsaken valley, townsville center, and sector v.

How do you get a board on fusionfall?

you hav to be like lvl 13 or something and they r in like townsville mall and mount blackhead im sure there is more but those are the ones that i go to. ps: the lowest lvl board is like lvl 13 and the rest is for higher levels pss:if you want to learn more just go to the fusion fall wiki

In fusion fall how do you get a vehicle?

Go in Downtown and go in ship, u will see Ben ten take a left a there is boards on sale or you can go in mt. Blackhead and go in the shopping area you will find level 10 boards up to level 20 boards

How do you get vehicles on fusion fall on fusion fall?

You can buy them at Peach Creek Commons, Forsaken Valley, and Mount Black Head. Also, you can get one at Townsville Center, Pokey Oaks North at the infected zone next to the warp gate.

Is fusion fall on the computer?

fusion fall is stupid

When is fusion fall coming to India?

In 2012 fusion fall come.

Is there another fusion fall 2?

No!! There is only 1 Fusion fall!!!