Go into Eurateke city then go to the very right end you will find one of those green huts go through it then go across some water and all get surf by going into the dance thetre in eurateeke and then talk to the guy with the phyduck any way surf and then walk then you will be at mahogany town
Mahogany Town
TM46 Thief is located in Mahogany Town Hideout.
You can find the TM Thief in the Team Rocket hideout in Mahogany Town.
no but at mahogany town rocket headquaters has it as well as snatch and i belive sleep talk
The Red Scale is a scale that you obtain after defeating/capturing the Red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage in Mahogany Town.
Mahogany Town.
Mahogany Town
Mahogany Town
There IS no Radio Tower in Mahogany town
Mahogany Town.
you have to get lugia
It's in Mahogany Town. Middle building.
Blackthorn city, (east of mahogany town).
It is in Mahogany town in the southwestern corner of the town.
beat the 6th gym leader and then go to mahogany town.
It is East of Mahogany town. Take a look at your map.
In Mahogany Town, the house with the strange tree is located at the upper left of the Mahogany Gym.