Eevee learns the following moves: - Tail Whip - Tackle - Helping Hand - Sand Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 8) - Growl (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 15) - Quick Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 22) - Bite (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 29) - Baton Pass (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 36) - Take Down (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 43) - Last Resort (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 50) - Trump Card (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 57) TMs: 6,10,11,17,18,21,27,28,30,32,42,44,45,48,48,67,83,87,90 Pt/HG/SS Move tutors: Snore, Swift, Mud-Slap HG/SS Move tutors: Heal Bell, Headbutt
To catch magmar you need: a pokeball (or great, or ultra), well, if you want a status problem, like sleep, and paralysis. False swipe is also recommended. You can find magmar: in HG and SS: Burned tower: Morning: 5% Daytime: 10% Night: 5%. Min level: 14; Max level: 16. You can also find it in safari zone. In platinum you can find it in Fuego Ironworks. Hope it works. :/
There are no PokeBlocks in HG/SS.
U only get it in HG
Soulsilver=SS heartgold=HG KK=O.K
yes,as long as you have bought a new HG or SS
You have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. You can't evolve Eevee into it in HG/SS.
you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)
InsideGolduckSneaselDonphan(HG)Ursaring(SS)QuagsireLarvitarPupitarOnixGravelerGolbatMisdreavus(Night only)Outside/MountainsideOnixPhanpy(HG)Donphan(HG)Teddiursa(SS)UrsaringGolduckLarvitarPonytaTangelaRapidashDoduoDodrioHoenn SoundAbsolMakuhitaWhismurLinooneSinnoh SoundBronzorChinglingBuizelBidoofWaterSeakingGoldeenFishingGoldeenMagikarpGyaradosSeakingPoliwhirlPoliwagHeadbuttingNatuAipomHeracross
Any level just you need to evolve it in a diamond pearl platinum ss or hg game not emerald sapphire or ruby.
hg get groudon and talk to professer Elm ss get kyoger and talk to professer Elm
you cant you have to trade with either someone who already has hd or ss or you can get another ds and another version of ss or hg and trade with yourself hope i helped
Eevee learns the following moves: - Tail Whip - Tackle - Helping Hand - Sand Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 8) - Growl (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 15) - Quick Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 22) - Bite (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 29) - Baton Pass (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 36) - Take Down (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 43) - Last Resort (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 50) - Trump Card (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 57) TMs: 6,10,11,17,18,21,27,28,30,32,42,44,45,48,48,67,83,87,90 Pt/HG/SS Move tutors: Snore, Swift, Mud-Slap HG/SS Move tutors: Heal Bell, Headbutt
To catch magmar you need: a pokeball (or great, or ultra), well, if you want a status problem, like sleep, and paralysis. False swipe is also recommended. You can find magmar: in HG and SS: Burned tower: Morning: 5% Daytime: 10% Night: 5%. Min level: 14; Max level: 16. You can also find it in safari zone. In platinum you can find it in Fuego Ironworks. Hope it works. :/
no he does not evolve in Pokemon hg or ss
migrate or trade from ss and hg