you can't get a magmar on fire red you must trade a leaf green version for you to obtain a magmar.......
number 126 is magmar
Magmar is exclusive to Pokémon Red, so to get it in Pokémon Blue you have to trade it from Pokémon Red.
no i don't believe so
You can't get one at all in Ruby. You'll have to trade one from FireRed/LeafGreen.
you need to get it from kindle road in leaf green its not avable in Pokemon fire red wich blows @$$ FUc4k
number 126 is magmar
trade from blue
sorry there is no way to evolve magmar you have to have a diamond or pearl version also Pokemon girintina.
Magmar is exclusive to Pokémon Red, so to get it in Pokémon Blue you have to trade it from Pokémon Red.
You can't catch a Magmar on Fire red but you can catch Electabuzz. Leaf green can catch Magmar but not Electabuzz
yes you get magmar on leaf green you get slugma on fire red instead magmar is way better than slugma
I haven't played Pokemon Platinum Version before
You can't; magmar is a leaf green Pokemon. Instead, fire red players will be able to find electabuzz outside the power plant. They are both two very strong Pokemon, especially when you evolve them in Diamond and Pearl. If you do have leaf green, magmar can be found at the foothills(outside the cave) of mount ember. Remember both Pokemon are fairly rare so you may have to wait a while.
Magby is the baby version of the fire Pokemon Magmar. You can find one outside the ironworks in Pokemon Platinum.
no i don't believe so
you cannot get magmar in firered u have to trade it from leafgreenfire red and leaf green are two of the same game only difference is that some Pokemon can be caught in leaf green that can't be in fire red, such as magmar. It can only be caught in leaf green in mount ember one island. Its rare so keep at it. There is a 5% chance of running into him and rapidash. only in the grass not in the cave.Where can you find Magmar on Pokemon fire red
Pokemon only in Red - Ekans/Arbok, Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume, Mankey/Primeape, Growlithe/Arcanine, Scyther, and Electrabuzz Pokemon only in Blue - Sandshrew/Sandslash, Vulpix/Ninetales, Meowth/Persian, Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel, Magmar, Pinsir