It is on route 223 the first trainer you come to she is called swimmer miranda and only has one pokemon, the lumineon if you have the move crunch it faints the pokemon in 2 moves
Surf north of sunyshore city and one of those swimmer girls has a lumineon.
When u surf north of sunyshore city, i think one of those swimming girls has a lumineon.
There is a girl swimmer on route 223
to get a lumineon, catch a finneon lv.16-19 in valley windy works using a good rod and evolve it on lv.31
134-Finneon 135-Lumineon Happy Playing :-D Dancer_Pokemoner
There is no Lumineon in diamond
You get a LUMINEON at level 32 on Pokemon Diamond.
Lumineon Lumineon the evolved from of Finneon
Yes there are trainers that will have a Combee and a Lumineon, an Aroma Lady in Route 208 has Combee and a Swimmer in Route 223 has Lumineon.
evolve your finneon
A Pokemon
Surf north of sunyshore city and one of those swimmer girls has a lumineon.
you cant catch a lumineon in diamond you have to evolve a finneon if you just want to see a lumineon a trainer just above sunyshore city
When u surf north of sunyshore city, i think one of those swimming girls has a lumineon.
Number 135 in the Sinnoh Pokedex on Pokemon Diamond is Lumineon. Lumineon can be caught using the Super Rod in Routes 205, 218, 219, 220, and 221. Lumineon can also be fished in the Fuego Ironworks, Iron Island, Canalave City and Valley Windworks. Another way to get Lumineon is to level Finneon to 31 as Finneon evolved into Lumineon at that level.