in the house diagonally down left from rowans research lab she is in hearthrone city. and after you get the natioal pokedex she gives u eevee
Lucas sister is into sandgem town on the hoer right by the beach
sangem town there shouldbe a mailbox next to his house it will sya lucas' house, go inside and there will be a little girl, that his sister!
You can get it by talking to Dawn/ Lucas's sister in Pearl or Diamond. Each day they tell you a different species of Pokemon is swarming, and where to find it. The Pokemon changes each day, so Cubone will eventually be swarming, if it isn't today.
After you got bet the league,Go talk to Lucas's or dawn's little sister in her house in Sandgem town.Each day she'll tell you that Pokemon are gathering in a different place one Pokemon is Absol. natinal dex, then talk to lucas/down's little sis and she will say ther are a whole bunch of absol at rute 213
Cubone is a swarm Pokemon that you can learn what route it is one by going to Lucas's little sister in Sandgem in the southeast house. There is one swarm a day and its different each day.
Speak to Dawn's/Lucas' little sister, she will tell you about 15 different rare pokemon.
she doesn't have one.
Go to Lucas's house n talk to his little sister n see whay she says, she will tell you the route n da Pokemon
It is a swarm Pokemon and you need the national dex.Talk to lucas' or dawns sister and she will tell you where to find a certain swarming Pokemon
By boys little sister are you meaning Lucas' little sister in Sandgem town? If you are then she is in Sandgem Town the big house on the bottom-not near the water just down from the Pokemon center a little-She's really cool because she tells you where certain kinds of Pokemon are once you get your national Dex like skitty natus and whatever.... Hope this helped!!!
Lucas sister is into sandgem town on the hoer right by the beach
sangem town there shouldbe a mailbox next to his house it will sya lucas' house, go inside and there will be a little girl, that his sister!
Same As Pearl And Diamond,Get The National Dex,And she`ll tell where`s the beakout,and tell you to do better than her Brother.
JesseTheEternal- No, there is a big list of Pokemon that can appear however. I don't have it currently.
Drowzee is a swarm pokemon, he can be found in route 215 on the days that Lucas's sister tells you it is that Pokemon.
I think its by swarm. You get swarm from dawn/lucas's sister when you complete the Pokemon league and the sinnoh pokedex. Go to Dawns/Lucas's house and talk to the little sister she will say that on the news they said where a Pokemon is and then she will tell you the route.