Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic cannot be found in Pokémon HeartGold, only Team Rocket and their Grunts can be found in HeartGold.
which gym leader?
yes, after you beat red go to the fighting dojo and the karate king will be standing there with mr. fuji, you have a double battle and if you win mr. fuji leads you down a secret path in the fighting dojo and that leads to the house of memories lower rooms. there you will also meet team galactic leader Cyrus.
Mahogany town
hes at seafoam islands in kanto
Go To Burned Tower And Then The Lighthouse A Long Way To The Left Of There
which gym leader?
yes, after you beat red go to the fighting dojo and the karate king will be standing there with mr. fuji, you have a double battle and if you win mr. fuji leads you down a secret path in the fighting dojo and that leads to the house of memories lower rooms. there you will also meet team galactic leader Cyrus.
Team Galactic is not in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver.....Team Rocket is in those games though Team Galactic is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum only.
In Cerulean City
Get a refund
The 14 gym leader in heart gold is in Saffron City.
In Blackthorn City.
ecruteak city
ecruteak city
in poo land.
how about.. BATTLE HIM
at the seafoam islands