He on route 36 and 37. if you havent seen him yet, walk
up to a police officer outside goldenrod at nighttime and battle him. then look on your pokedex and check area for growlithe.
you can only get growlithe in Pokemon heart gold,i would just trade that's what i did!sorry!
You can't get a growlithe in soul silver you gotta trade it from heart gold.
The Pokemon that roars well is a Growlithe.
There is a very special way in which you can get Growlithe in Pokémon Platinum version. You can find Growlithe on both Routes 201 and 202. There is a catch though, you need Pokémon FireRed Version inserted in the GBA game slot.
Take a vulpix or growlithe to the old man at the top of cerulean city. You hav to show him a lickitung and an oddish first and he will give you a clue each time to find which Pokemon to show him. and eventually he will want to see the Pokemon that a fire type and if you find it and show it to him (growlithe or vulpix) he will gie you a fire stone.
No. Growlithe is a Pokemon exclusive to Pokemon FireRed Version.
Growlithe is only found in Heartgold Version.
Growlithe are specific to red version and yellow version only. As are oddish
Growlithe > fire stone > Arcanine
Growlithe can be obtained in Routes 7, 8, 36, 37, and 48 in Heart Gold version. In Gold version it can be obtained in Routes 7, 8, 36, and 37.
you can only get growlithe in Pokemon heart gold,i would just trade that's what i did!sorry!
You can't get a growlithe in soul silver you gotta trade it from heart gold.
fire stone
no but you can trade it from fire red
LeafGreen version does not have Growlithe.
Growlithe is not in Pokemon Silver version. But it is in Gold and Crystal version.Gold: Commonly found in routes: 7, 8, 36, 37. Silver: None, Must Trade. Crystal: Commonly found in routes: 8, 36, 3.To get a Growlithe in Silver version you need to trade from Gold, Crystal, Red or Yellow version. Go here for more information: http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml