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once you beat chuck in cianwood city , go out of the gym and his wife appears and gives it to you

Hope this helps :)

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Q: Where is fly in Pokemon Gold?
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Which city will you get fly in Pokemon Gold?

Cianwood City

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Where to find the fly hm in Pokemon gold?

to get Hm2(fly) you talk to Chuck's wife after you beat him.

What badge do you need to use fly in Pokemon gold?

The badge from Cianwood.

How do you get Fly in Pokemon Gold?

You get Fly after you beat the 5th Gym Leader (Chuck). Chuck's wife will be outside the Gym, and if you talk to her, you will get Fly.

Where can you got the hm fly in Pokemon gold version?

Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse. Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse.

Where to get fly in Pokemon shiny gold?

beat chuck. then talk to chuck's wife near the gym. she'll give you fly.

Where do you get the fly hm in Pokemon Gold?

Once you defeat Chuck talk the lady in front of the Gym and she'll give you Fly.

Which Pokemon can use fly on gold?

Pretty much any one with wings XD

Where to get the HM fly in Pokemon gold?

beat 5th gym leader then talk to his wife

My Pokemon Heart Gold won't let me fly or view the Kanto region?

If you're in the Johto region, then you need to fly to either the Pokemon League or Victory Road to be able to view or fly to the Kanto region.

Pokemon Gold which gym gives you fly?

talk to the girl out side the fourth gym cianwood