It's in Striaton City. Go from the Pokemon Centre right and down, it's the first set of stairs. She's on the 2nd floor. If you talk to the other person it is the someone from someone's PC.
Just to the left of the Pokemon center in Opelucid City. It's called the Battle House in Pokemon black and white.
Nimbasa city, it is from a boy in a house.
Mistralton City the house next to the entrance for a heartscale
16 plate but 14 are in the abyssal ruins and the other two are a house in route 13
There is one house in Pokemon Black that you can enter and do rotation battles in. Go in the house in White Forest and you can do triple battles.
Just to the left of the Pokemon center in Opelucid City. It's called the Battle House in Pokemon black and white.
Fennel is in the building nearest to the striaton gym.
Nimbasa city, it is from a boy in a house.
You find it in a house in Nimbassa city. Just go from house to house around the pokemon center and you should find it.
Mistralton City the house next to the entrance for a heartscale
You get strength in a house in Nimbasa city, right north for the battle institute and Pokemon center.
Special areas in Black 2 and White 2 that house Pokemon with their Hidden Ability and items, they will regenerate and there is a small chance of another Pokemon appearing
dive is given to you by a girl in front of a house in undella town
In Nimbasa City to the top left of the Pokemon Center there is a house with a blue haired kid in it. Talk to him for Strength.
sorry but you cant change Pokemon nick name it always stays s it is