after you beat the elite four fly to veilstone go down from veilstone and somwhere between valor lakefront and veilstone there will be a path called spring path once your there use rock climb 2 and then go right or left and use rock climb to turn back cave
Alice in distortion world is a Japanese cellphone game.
You need it to get up the mountain to get to the distortion world. it's a drag i know.
The Distortion world is only available in Pokemon Platinum
In diamond and pearl Giratina is at turn back cave (after going through the annoying puzzle that depends on luck) in platinum instead of Giratina you find the second portal to the distortion world with a rare bone behind it. Go into the portal and towards the end of the distortion world is the only item there... the griseous orb
Beat the elite four, then go to turn back cave and go into giratina's room. If you defeated giratina in the distortion world, giratina will be here. An item will be here and a portal to the distortion world. The grisceous orb is in the distortion world.That is so wrong I'm with him, that's not true
You can't you can only get in the distortion world in platinum
No, only in Pokemon Platinum do you get the distortion world.
Alice in distortion world is a Japanese cellphone game.
The Distortion World is exclusive to Pokemon Platinum.
You need it to get up the mountain to get to the distortion world. it's a drag i know.
distortion world
in the distortion world!
you cant
While playing through the story you will end up in the distortion world with Cynthia. in the distortion world you will have to battle Cyrus after beating him Cynthia will heal your Pokemon. then you will be able to find giritina, in the distortion world.
Get Giratina in the Distortion World. The Distortion World is at Spear Pillar which is in Mt Coronet. You go here after you have beaten the 7 gym.
It is at Distortion World.
DisToRtIOn WoRLd