you can get dieno in victory road
Deino evolves into Zweilous at level 50.
deino evolves at level 50
Getting a shiny egg is like getting a needle in a hay stack.
you can find a Deino in the caves of Victory when you get 8 gym Badges
you have to evolve a Deino
in victory road
Deino-level 50=zwelious-level 64=hydreigon
Deino is not common in Pokemon White (or Pokemon Black), because it can only be found in victory road, and at a small chance at that, too.
you level it up 50
Level 50
you can get dieno in victory road
well i just looked on my pokemon white & pokemon black 2 pokedex's for Deino it says Area Unknown, i'm on the website it says to Breed Zwelious which doesn't make any sense how can you breed it if Deino isn't in Black & White 2 glad to answer...Veronica
First of all, the name is Deino. Second of all, you can find Deino in Victory Road somewhere.
Yes, Deino, which evolves into Zweilous, then Hydreigon