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Celio was introduced in Fire Red and Leaf Green, the Generation I remakes that included parts from Generations II and III. In other words, he is not present in the original Red, Blue, or Yellow.

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Q: Where is celio in Pokemon Red version?
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What do you do after you beat the elite four on Pokemon Red version?

talk to Celio on One Island

Where in the pass to get to island 4 on Pokemon Fire Red?

Celio in one island has it. When celio askes you to get a sapphire he will gove you it

What happens when you give Celio the sapphire in Pokemon Red?

If you mean Pokémon Fire Red, then you get the National Dex, which enables you to trade Pokémon from Generation III over from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Also, Cerulean Cave's guard will vanish, enabling you to enter Mewtwo's home. But if you mean the original Red Version, then there's no answer; Celio and the Sevii Islands did not exist except in the Generation I remakes, Fire Red Version and Leaf Green Version.

Where do you find ceilo in Pokemon Red?

To find Celio,he will be in One Island.

How do you open the cave in mount ember in fired version Pokemon?

You have to get the national dex from oak and then talk to celio

Where do you find celio in pokemon leafgreen?

you find him on one island in a building with a pokeball on it and a red roof.

What do you do after you defeat the elite four on Pokemon fire red?

You can go to Mt. Ember and get the ruby.give it to celio

Can you rent a Pokemon on red version?

you cannot rent any Pokemon in red version

How do you get rock smash on Pokemon Red version?

rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version

Where you can find Celio in FireRed version?

On 1 Island, he's standing next to the trading machine inside of the Pokemon center.

When can you trade Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed with Pokemon in Emerald?

Just In the second door upstairs the Pokemon center.Answerwhen you give the ruby and sapphire to Celio AnswerYou need to give the blue and red stones to Celio on island one in Pokemon FireRed and in Emerald you need to have beaten the champion and elite four.

What do you have to do to make celio ask you to get the ruby and sapphire in fire red?

beat the elite four with 60 owned Pokemon in your pokedex. celio will not tell you to get the ruby and Sapphire until u do