blambeu is in mount lave flow the tunnel that goes to the lava facet and he will be in the little hole on the side right when you enter
Blambeau is in rivet ravine tunnel 2 you have to keep looking for him your reward for beating him is 10,000g which can pay for lots of things. I hope my answer helped!
he is in rivet ravine tunnel #2. you have to keep looking for him in rivet ravine. the price will be 10,000gs. Ninjapower5`s suggestion: Ok like he said above do that then the 3rd time he escapes go to Mt: Lavaflow. and you will receive 10,000gs.
The first time he is in Greenhorn Plains. Just follow the left wall. He is holding a gun. The second time he is in Rivet Ravine in Tunnel #2. All you need to do is defeat him in a Fossil Battle to capture him. The third time, he is in Mt. lavaflow. Go to Mt. lavaflow N.E and head straight, until you find a right turn. Take the right turn and he will be there
Wear the pink mask at the pay-to-dig site in treasure lake. This is not guaranteed, but 80% of the time I got at least a wondrous. P.S. They are not yellow dots they are green dots
When ever you want to end the game. But the best time to quit is when the main part of the game is done, Which would be at the park with Duna.
Blambeau is in rivet ravine tunnel 2 you have to keep looking for him your reward for beating him is 10,000g which can pay for lots of things. I hope my answer helped!
he is in the volcano place NE or one of the caves
You get to go back and forth in time I guess
he is in rivet ravine tunnel #2. you have to keep looking for him in rivet ravine. the price will be 10,000gs. Ninjapower5`s suggestion: Ok like he said above do that then the 3rd time he escapes go to Mt: Lavaflow. and you will receive 10,000gs.
The first time he is in Greenhorn Plains. Just follow the left wall. He is holding a gun. The second time he is in Rivet Ravine in Tunnel #2. All you need to do is defeat him in a Fossil Battle to capture him. The third time, he is in Mt. lavaflow. Go to Mt. lavaflow N.E and head straight, until you find a right turn. Take the right turn and he will be there
in mt lavaflow
beat dynal the third time and he will join
You need to have lots of fossil parts ( Head, Arms, Legs and Body ) and clean them WELL, fight many fossil fighters and you'll have lots of skill in no time! (Rank up !) DONE!!!
December 7th, 2013
no you can't because time machines are myths and they only happen in dr who
3 brains or frigi,guvorn,guhweep
You can find him on Secret Island, available after Diggins is sent back in time.