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Right next to the Cerulean Cape, north of Cerulean City.

It's the only house north of Cerulean City, so it's pretty easy to spot out.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

On the route where you find Misty. by jeffrey barbieri

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Q: Where is bill's grandfather in soul silver?
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How do you get to bills house in pokemon soul silver?

it is in goldrod city

In Heart Gold and Soul Silver where can you trade shards for stones?

Im not sure of that but i am sure that bill's grandfather is now in bills house and if you show him a specific Pokemon he will give you an evolutionary stone. (in DP shards are plates)

Where do you find Suicune in Kanto on soul silver?

I believe its next to Bills house.

Where to get a thunder stone in soul silver?

You get it from Billy's Grandfather on route 25 after showing him some pokemon.

Where do you Find Bill's Grandfather in Pokemon Soul Silver?

you go to route 25 in kanto and keep going right until you see a house and there is bill grandfather.

Where is bills house in soul silver?

Which one? The one north of cerulean city or in the west of goldenrod city

How do you get waterstones on Pokemon Gold?

take staryu to bills grandfather take staryu to bills grandfather

Where can you find bills house in soul silver?

He is always in Goldenrod, but his original house can be found in Cerulean City in Kanto.

What route is bills house in soul silver?

BIlls house is located in Goldenrod city. you take a path above the Pokemon center and his is the only house there. There is also a House belonging to his grandfather above cerulean city. If you show him the Pokemon he describes you can get a fire,water,leaf,and thunder stone. the four Pokemon needed are oddish,staryu,vulpix,and pichu.

Where do you find bills grandpa on Pokemon soul silver?

hes in a house were you find misty the gym leader for the first time.

Where do you get a fire stone in silver?

You have to show Bills Grandfather a Growlithe when asked. he is in the cottage on cerulean cape, north of cerulean cirty :D hope this helps

Where can I find Bill's grandfather in Pokemon soul silver?

near the goldenrod tunnel in a small house he gives you an eveein the second region top of the map