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In cerulean city you go all the way up then make a right turn and you will fight some trainers and then you will see a house and there's bill's grandfather
Bill's home in cerulean cape.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Bill's grandfather is on Route 25. Just above Cerulean City.

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Q: Where is bill's grandfather in Pokemon Gold?
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How do you get waterstones on Pokemon Gold?

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The last pokemon that you show to bill grandfather in marril.

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bills grandfather asks you for the Pokemon with leafs on its head (oddish) cath it if u have it great show it to bills grandfather and he'll give you a leaf stone

Where is bills grandfather in Pokemon Crystal?


Where is Bill's Grandfather at in Pokemon SoulSilver?

in bills house on route 25

Where do you find water stone in Pokemon gold version?

You can get waterstone in route 25 at Bills cottage you will see Bills grandfather ( Likitounge (everstone)oddish(leafstone)staryu(waterstone)growlithe(firestone)pichu(thunderstone)

What happen when you show the Pokemon to bills grandfather?

After Lickitung, you receive the stone appropriate to evolve each Pokemon you show him.

Where to find bills grandfather in gold version?

Go North east of cerulian city

What other Pokemon besides the lickatung do you need to show bills grandfather on Pokemon crystal?

Growlithe, Staryu, Oddish, Pichu

In Heart Gold and Soul Silver where can you trade shards for stones?

Im not sure of that but i am sure that bill's grandfather is now in bills house and if you show him a specific Pokemon he will give you an evolutionary stone. (in DP shards are plates)

What do you show bill's grandfather in Pokemon heart gold gold?

He will ask you for Pokemon like lickytung, tangela. In heartgold you show an oddish and in silver i think its lickitung

Where can you find a fire stone in pokemon gold version?

It is on Route 25 from Bill's Grandfather.