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You find the Bike Shop in Cerulean City, where the water Gym is. However, you are unable to purchase the bike, as it costs an amount of money you cannot earn. You must wait until you reach the next town, Vermilion City, where you will find the Pokemon Fan house. Talk to the man sitting at the head of the table and listen to him talk about it Rapidash. He will then give you the Bike Voucher, which allows you to get the Bicycle for free once you return to Cerulean City.

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When you get to Mauville city team aqua will be invading. They take the bike shop manager. After you defeat Team Aqua with your highly skilled Pokemon and rescue the bike shop manager he will take you back to his shop and offer you a bike.

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You Can Aquire Either The Acro Bike Or Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.

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Simply go into the bike shop in mauville city and talk to Rydel he will give you a bike.

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How do you get the bike in Pokemon Sapphire?

at mauville city, Rydels bike shop,opposite Pokemon centre. talk to the green shirt guy

What city is bike shop on Pokemon Blue?

cerelean city

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There's a bike shop in the city with the electric gym. Go inside, talk to the shop owner and choose your bike (mach or acro).