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1. Go to the snow fort to get your basket.

2. The Pizza Shop has candy in the piano pipe.

3. The Coffee Shop has a candy bowl. Click on the bowl and there is a little box inside.

4. In the Forest the trunk of the tree has a candy corn inside.

5. In the Night Club, click on the green puffle and he will give you a question. The answer is "Happy Haloween"

6. Go to the surf area and look through the binaculars. you will see a octopus holing a lollypop.

7. Go to the top of the hill and click on the scarecrow and the bottom of his feet there is a choclate bar.

8. Go to the Lighthouse, at the bottom near the jet pack thing there is a pink pice of candy in the life circle thing

9. Now go to the Ski Lodge on a picture there is a pice of candy.

10 Once you've collected everthing go to the underground area. (You can reach this by entering the speaker in the night club or the hole by the Puffle Shop) go underneath the spider to get your pin. ----

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Q: Where is all the candy at the 08 Halloween Party in Club Penguin?
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