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You can usually find vampires in downtown mostly for me at the first dining place at the top of the list or a Bowling ally.

Or you can also find a Vampire in downtown at a place called "Maple Springs, Pools and tub"-or somthing like that. But go there at night, if u be freinds with the vampire then the vampire could have a chace to bite you, but its really hard to take care of a vampire..

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Q: Where is a vampire in sims2 double deluxe?
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Yes. It is a wonderful game! THE SIMS2 DOUBLE DELUXE HAS: the bestselling game Sims2:The Sims 2 nightlife expansion packs:The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff Pack!! GET THE GAME IT IS AWESOME!!!

Can you become a vampire in sims 2?

Yes your sims can become vampires in the sims2. But, you need the sims2 nightlife or sims2 double deluxe pack to get vampires. Recommended ways to become a vampire is using the cheat BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true then selecting "become a vampire" or going downtown at night and waiting for a vampire to come.(very noticeable) with da red eyes and pale skin.)

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put the disc to the game in, and follow the instructions on screen.

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ya the game is fun! i love it!

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You can't.

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Probably not.

The registration code for sims2 double deluxe?

The registration code for "The Sims 2 - Double Deluxe" will be located of the CD or DVD cover. Each code is unique.

What is the vampire cheat on the sims2?

You need either the Sims 2 Deluxe edition, or the Nightlife expansion pack. You have to go downtown, then meeet the Head Vampire. Make him your friend and he will bite you. Then you can have a VAMPIRE! :[ :)