I belive the only way to get Weedle is by Migrating from Fire Red or Leaf Green.
Weedles can be found on route 204 ( south ) but you must have Pokemon Leaf Green in your gameboy advanced slot.
You can find a Weedle in White Forest.
In the Pokemon forest
You can't get weedle you have to trade it from fire red or leaf green
Weedle evolves into Kakuna, starting at level 7, then Kakuna evolves into Beedrill at level 10.
no you can not but you can catch wurmple
Weedles can be found on route 204 ( south ) but you must have Pokemon Leaf Green in your gameboy advanced slot.
Weedle evolves INTO Kakuna at Level 7Kakuna evolves INTO Beedrill at Level 10For more information, please try the following two sites:http://pokemondb.net/evolutionhttp://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/
you can't get it in regular gameplay but you can get it! here are 8 easy steps 1.you need the national dex 2. go to pal park 3.buy Pokemon sapphire 4.capture weedle in sapphire 5.transfer weedle 6.insert sapphire 7.go to pal park 8.you have your first weedle!, oh and one more thing you need ds lite so you can insert sapphire in one slot and pearl in the other
You can find a Weedle in White Forest.
In the Pokemon forest
None only firered and leafgreen can get weedle.
You can't get weedle you have to trade it from fire red or leaf green
you cant unless you migrate from emerald or trade for it
Sorry, Weedle cannot learn Headbutt at all.
weedle definitely !
Weedle is #13 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Poison type Pokemon.