Bottom right, between the man with the spear and the man on stilts.
It is $19.99 :) its true.
Waldo is to the right underneath the Unfriendly Giant. His sock is striped red and white like his shirt. Look for the Waldo holding his cane a weird way with his elbow sticking out, Shoeless Waldo is above his elbow.
It's by the stairs were Waldo is dancing with the canes
Waldo (Rare) - Any Dragon Fruit, Pink Love Berries & Red Star Blossom
it is in the area behind the butt of the fake lady giant with the yellow shirt
On the corner of Get a life and Stop looking for Waldo.
In Waldo's Nut-sack.
behind the small child
I dont know, and ive spent most of my adult life trying to find Waldo. I Still Havent Found him, and i dont think anyone has
if I want to show you then I will but wendy isnt here and she passed away (maybe)
Only woof's tail. Located in the middle of page. Good luck.
Well wally is hidden behind tthe cafe and woof's bone is in the water fountain
The expression is "Dream come true," because the helping verb "has" is implied. An expanded example would be: "Her dream has come true in this engagement." The shorter version would be: "This engagement is her dream come true."
harriet dream did come true because her dream was for slavery to win independence
They Made My Dream Come True was created in 2006.
The only part of Woof you can see is his tail. You can see it poking out from behind the pink curtain of the Egyptian movie set in the center of the page.
when you tell a dream to somebody that same day that you had one it does not come true