There is a small lake North of The Hill of Suicides... Take the road leading past the Hill up to the lake and you will run through Split
You can't buy any in the isles
There two "best" armor types in Shivering Isles. Perfect Amber is the best light armor, Perfect Madness is the best set of heavy armor.
you do something
get a heart of order by killing a night of order, the heart is the key
run around imperial city and you should get the quest which will give u the location of shivring ilses :0
Shivering Isles is an expantion pack for Oblivion.
Shivering Isles is an expansion pack to Oblivion, and can't work without it.
Any Caves Or Hollows On The Mania Portion Of Shivering Isles. Also, Can Be Found On Gnarls.
yes. anything you acquire in the shivering isles can be used/worn/spent in cyrodil providing you keep the shivering isles installed if u ever uninstall it you will lose everything from the shivering isle u may have got.
To activate the Shivering Isles plug in, after downloading it, wait a day and it should pop up automaticly.
You can't buy any in the isles of the year edition contains both expansions (Shivering Isles/Nights of the Nine)
You find it randomly in the shivering isles