After you meet him in Mr. Pokemon's house you can again find him in Pallet Town located in Kanto.
At the beginning of the game, Professor Oak is in Mr. Pokemon's house. Mr. Pokemon's house is north of Cherrygrove City. After that, Professor Oak is in Pallet Town in his Pokemon lab.
Keep catching, there's more! Go to Professor Oak to get your Pokedex evaluated.
you get rock climb from professor oak after you beat all of the kanto gym leaders.
No. Professor Oak won't give you a shiny Pokemon. he'll only give you a choice of three starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game.
Pikachu was in the Poke Ball that Ash had received from Professor Oak.
Nothing happens.
At the beginning of the game, Professor Oak is in Mr. Pokemon's house. Mr. Pokemon's house is north of Cherrygrove City. After that, Professor Oak is in Pallet Town in his Pokemon lab.
beat blue and then talk to professor oak.
Keep catching, there's more! Go to Professor Oak to get your Pokedex evaluated.
Obtaining all of Professor Oak's Pokemon can only be accomplished via Cheat Codes.
You can get him in Pal Park or you can trade with a friend who has Heart Gold and got Squirtle from Professor Oak.
Professor Oak gives it too you when you have obtained all 16 badges.
you first meet him in mr. pokemon's house. after that, you can meet him in his lab., in pallet town.
you first meet him in mr. pokemon's house. after that, you can meet him in his lab., in pallet town.
you get rock climb from professor oak after you beat all of the kanto gym leaders.
She's not in the game. The only two professors in the games of Heart Gold and Soul Silver are Professor Elm and Professor Oak. Sorry to burst your bubble.