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the map is found in her house on vine isle, it is in front of the dresser closest to the door use you magnifying lens

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Q: Where is LadyTreasure's map in HorseIsle 2?
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You can view this on your "MAP" on your toolbar. But it is on Dumbbell Isle.

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You can map that NPC at the City Hall's Community Board.

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You can map him at the City Hall, on the Community Board. So in the future please use that! But, he is in MarshTon's bank.

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If you google an image you should find a map.

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You can map Horse Isle characters in the Libray.

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You will need to explore the map.

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The URL for HorseIsle 2 is under the 'Related Links'

Map of maze of tail forest on horseisle?

Check the website in related links.

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Yes; see!

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It is impossible to hack HorseIsle 2, as well as strictly illegal.

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Where is Mikko on HorseIsle?

Crystolton, Ice Isle. Map him at the Libary. SarahBarah, Chestnut Server.