Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version.
Can Pokemon white in jap version with eng patch be played with English version of Pokemon white?
yes the japenese version is compatible with the English
Where to get HM5 in yellow version?
go past Diglett's cave. on the other end, there is a house where
you will meet an aide of Professor Oak. if you caught 5 or more
Pokemon he will give you HM05.
Is Zekrom on Pokemon black or Pokemon White version?
Pokemon white
reshiram is on black
Is Zekrom in white version?
zekrom is the main Pokemon of white version and rashiram is to
the black version.
Can you catch the legendary in Pokémon Black In Pokémon White?
In Pokemon Black Version the legendary is Reshiram and Pokemon
White its Zerkrom.The only way to get both is to transfer Zerkrom
to Pokemon Black Version or Reshiram to Pokemon White Version.