umm... there is none.
- use your itemfinder in the game corner. you'll find lots of coins.
The Moon Stone in Celadon City can be found in the Rocket Hideout. The stone itself can be found on basement floor 2 and on the west side of the maze.
Mt. Moon 1st Floor & Basement 2 can also be bought in celadon city at the game corner (prizes place) for 750 coins.
Moon stone is found in 4 places: One is hidden in Mt moon use the itemfinder to help you, another is also in Mt moon, one is given by the man who owns the two island game corner, the last is found in Pokemon mansion use the itemfinder to help you.
Only some Pokemon evolve using certain evolution stones: Water Stone, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Thunder Stone, Moon Stone. For Example: Clefairy and Jigglypuff both evolve when exposed to a Moon Stone. To evolve a Pokemon that evolves only from exposure to a evolutionary stone first you need to get the stone the water, fire, thunder and leaf stone can be purchased at the Celadon City Dept Store, you only get 4 moon stones in the game so use them wisely. Second you need to go into your Bag scroll to the stone press A and choose Use choose the Pokemon that says Able then press A and now your Pokemon will evolve. Here are the kanto Pokemon that evolve by stones: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, Exeggcute, Vulpix, Growlithe, Evee, Pikachu, Vileplume, Staryu, Shellder, Weepinbell.
Here are all of the Pokemon that can evolve using a Moon Stone:Nidorina uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Nidoqueen.Nidorino uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Nidoking.Clefairy uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Clefable.Jigglypuff uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Wigglytuff.Skitty uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Delcatty.Munna uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Musharna.
The Moon Stone in Celadon City can be found in the Rocket Hideout. The stone itself can be found on basement floor 2 and on the west side of the maze.
If you have disbanded Team Rocket from Mt Moon and there hideout in Celadon City then you should be allowed to go inside Silph Co.You must first defeat Team Rocket at the Game Corner in Celadon City.First you must defeat team rocket at Pokemon tower, mt moon and the game corner then you must get 5 badges then you can go into silph co.
Mt. Moon 1st Floor & Basement 2 can also be bought in celadon city at the game corner (prizes place) for 750 coins.
I think you mean Clefairy (Mt. Moon, Rocket Game Corner) and Jigglypuff (Route 3). You can evolve them with moon stone. (You can make evolve Nidorina & Nidorino with moon stone, too. So this way these are moon pokémons, too)
Moon stone is found in 4 places: One is hidden in Mt moon use the itemfinder to help you, another is also in Mt moon, one is given by the man who owns the two island game corner, the last is found in Pokemon mansion use the itemfinder to help you.
Mt moon, Rocket game corner, the guy in the two island game corner gives you one as well, Pokemon mansion.
You don't find that kind of stuff on the Gameboy unfortunately...
U can evolve certain types of Pokemon with a stone. But not all the Pokemon will evolve with a stone. U can get a moonstone in Mt. moon and fire,leaf,thunder,and waterstone at Celadon City Mall.U can evolve certain types of Pokemon with a stone. But not all the Pokemon will evolve with a stone. U can get a moonstone in Mt. moon and fire,leaf,thunder,and waterstone at Celadon City Mall.
You can buy them in Celadon City. There is a big market. You can buy them on the second or third floor where there is only one clerk. He sells every stone, except moon and sun stones.
In celadon city there is a big building with a little girl running around a fountain outside. Go in that building and go up to the 4 floor and if you go to the counter, you can buy Moon, fire, water and thunder stones.
Only some Pokemon evolve using certain evolution stones: Water Stone, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Thunder Stone, Moon Stone. For Example: Clefairy and Jigglypuff both evolve when exposed to a Moon Stone. To evolve a Pokemon that evolves only from exposure to a evolutionary stone first you need to get the stone the water, fire, thunder and leaf stone can be purchased at the Celadon City Dept Store, you only get 4 moon stones in the game so use them wisely. Second you need to go into your Bag scroll to the stone press A and choose Use choose the Pokemon that says Able then press A and now your Pokemon will evolve. Here are the kanto Pokemon that evolve by stones: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, Exeggcute, Vulpix, Growlithe, Evee, Pikachu, Vileplume, Staryu, Shellder, Weepinbell.
in pokemon tower of defense you buy a moon stone from the pokemart then before you go into battle select check pokemon buy clicking on the pokemon and then select use item then select the moon stone. i hope this helped.