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You can buy clothes for your puffle in the pet shop. In the catalog, but just hats!

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Q: Where in club penguin can you buy clothes for your puffles?
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Related questions

Can you buy clothes for puffles on Club Penguin?

No. At least... not yet.

What is the use of a membership on Club Penguin?

You can buy clothes, special puffles, and much more.

What are all of the names of the Puffles in Club Penguin?

There are noactuallynames of the puffles. You can buy them and name them yourself.

How do you get fish in club penguin?

You cannot get fish as pets in Club Penguin, but you can have puffles. Puffles are a type of pet that you can buy on Club Penguin. If you are not a member, you can only get two puffles, but if you are a member, then you can get more puffles.

How do you get 19 puffles on Club Penguin?

you have to become a member and buy all the puffles. -Casie789

How do you get your puffles to play with their furniture on club penguin?

Buy furniture and they will do it automatically.

What can you buy on Club Penguin?

On Club Penguin you can buy clothes, igloos,furnitures for igloos,puffles,furnitures for puffles,and at every party,you can get clothes for free.I named them ,,presents``.But, to buy clothes, furnitures,puffles, etc. , you must be a member.

Stuff to buy on club penguin if you have membershp?

You can buy a lot of thing on club penguin IF you are a member! You can buy more than 2 puffles, cloths, etc.

Can you have more then 2 puffles in club penguin without being an member?

If you are a member of Club Penguin, you can buy up to 16 pufflesIf you are not a member, you can only buy 2 puffles which have to be the red or blue coloursGreat question!!

What does Club Penguin have?

Club Penguin is a social networking site that is very safe for children. Children create their penguins without their real or nickname, and waddle in the club penguin island. You can play games, make online buddies, buy clothes for your penguin, adopt puffles, earn stamps (of activities) for your penguin, and LOADS more. When you buy a membership, you can enjoy even more of club penguin.

Can you get free puffles?

The only way to get free puffles on Club Penguin, is to buy a toy and type the code in the unlock items online mode.

Do you have to buy a membership for Club Penguin?

Not unless you want to get exclusive member items. If you arent a member you can still participate in club penguin but you can't own certain items like some puffles, clothes, wigs, etc.