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Q: Where does the word sugar come from?
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Related questions

Where did the name candy come from?

The word "candy" comes from the Arabic qandi, derived from the Persian word qand, meaning "sugar."

What country does the word candy come from?

Late 13th Century from an Arabic word 'qandi' related to Persian 'qand' meaning cane sugar. Brought into old French as 'sucre candi' meaning sugar candy

What is the posh word for sugar?

The posh word for sugar is "sucrose."

What is the plural form of the word sugar?

The singular and plural forms of sugar is sugar.

French word for sugar?

There are a few different names for the word sugar. Some of the names that are used for the word sugar are maltose, dextrose and syrup.

Were does the sugar in your blood come from?

The carbs and sugar you eat.

Where does bakers corner sugar come from?

sugar cane

What is the science word for sugar?

the "science" word for sugar is edible crystalline carbohydrates

What is the Tamil word for sugar?

The Tamil word for sugar is "சர்க்கரை" (sarkkarai).

What word describes a sugar solution?

The word that describes a sugar solution is "syrup."

What ancient language does candy come from?

The word candy originally comes from qand, the Persian word for "sugar cube." Some people think this word came to Persian from Sanskrit or a Sanskrit-derived language. We know it then went from Persian into Arabic as qandi, and eventually into French as sucre candi.

What do the word juche?

If you are asking what the word juice means, it is a liquid produced naturally by fruit. The most common juices come from oranges or lemons and usually have sugar and water added to it.