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It goes to Reseti's place and he gives you a silver shovel but a gold shovel is better is you want it bury a shovel for 3 days dig it up and its gold hope I helped

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Q: Where does the tunnel take you on lets go to the city?
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In the city. Take the bus to the city for free and then the Marquee is up the stairs and on your left. (Bus stop outside gate)

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Both Animal Crossing: Lets go to the City and Animal Crossing: City Folk are excatly the same game except: Animal Crossing: Lets go to the City is for Europe and Australian Wii's. Animal Crossing: City Folk are for American Wiis.

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no. :D

How do you get in to celadon city in Pokemon Red?

When you get in Lavender Town, go west and you will find a tunnel. That tunnel leads to the Celadon City. You will only get the silph scope and finish the gym there then go back to Lavender to get the Poke Flute.

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No. U can only go to the city on city folk or lets go to the city

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you go to goldenrod city and go up past the Pokemon center. take the first left you come to(in front of the game corner) and follow the little path. at the bottom of it is the enterance to the tunnel.

What nights can i see resetti on animal crossing lets go to the city?

You can go to the city on Monday nights and the tunnel that usually has witches hats blocking the entrance will be moved. So you can go through and talk to ressetti. But he will give you a speech about how your not ment to be there. But it's ok because in the end he will give you the silver shovel. Cool huh

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Underground Tunnel, West of Lavender Town

Can you get married in animal crossing lets go to the city?
