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Q: Where does lance go after you talk to him in Pokemon Gold?
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How do you get to blackthorncity in Pokemon Heart Gold?

you go to the lake of rage and talk to lance then go to the scientist in mahogany town then do the base thing then the dude will let you past

How do you get the Pokemon music channel in Pokemon gold?

Go in the Pokemon radio station and talk to any

How do you help lance in Pokemon silver or gold?

you go to the strange store in mahogony and fight tea rocket

What happens on Pokemon gold when you capture all the Pokemon and go and talk to professor oak?

Nothing happens.

Were is team rocket hideout in gold?

in Pokemon heart gold the team rocket HQ is in mahogany town the souvenir shop. you have to fight the red gyrados and then lance will appear. then go into the souvenir shop and the golden box thing will be moved by lance and you can go down there into the HQ.

What do you have to do for you can battle the magohany gym in Pokemon gold?

First of all you must go to the Lake of Rage north of the town and beat/capture the red gyarados. Then talk to Lance. Go to the Mart (a small house) in Mahogany and beat Team Rocket. Then you can fight in the gym.

How do you get strength in Pokemon Gold?

You go to the fighting gym city and talk to somebody in a house near the Pokemon center

Where do you find a master ball Pokemon HeartGold?

After you beat Lance, go back to professor Elm and talk to him. Then, he'll give you the master ball! (You can go to

When do you get to now the second password on Pokemon gold?

go around and talk to evryone you see

What do you do after Togepi hatches in Pokemon Gold?

You go to prof. Elm and talk to him (you have to have togepi in your party)

How do you get into team rockets hideout in Pokemon Silver?

You have to go to the Lake of Rage and either KO or catch the red Gyrados and talk to Lance (the guy with the red hair). Then go down to Mahogany Town and enter the house which acted as a pokemart and talk to lance. He will reveal that the entrance to the hideout was right in the store.

Where is pryce in pokemon heartgold?

first you go to lake of rage and catch or defeat the red gyarados and talk to lance at the shore then you go to the house with a tree beside it finish what you have to do there and then go to the gym