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A place where you go up to some mountain and battle/capture Hetran

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Q: Where does buck go after she gets the lava stone?
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Where to go after buck goes to return the magma stone?

to stark mountain to catch hetran

What happens after buck steals the magma stone on Pokemon pearl?

You go back to the Survival Area and go to his grandfather's house (the house on the left of the Pokémon Centre) and speak to him, then to Buck. Buck will then leave the house. When you go back to Stark Mountain, and into the room the Magma Stone was in, there will be Heatran in it's place, ready to be caught. Best of luck.

Where do you find a leaf stone in Castelia city?

Whenever you cross the bridge into that town, go to the dock that is the farthest right then go down. There should be a scientist. Talk to him. Now if your trying to evolve the monkeys, choose the monkey you have. If you want it to evolve a different Pokemon, then Pansage gets you the Leaf Stone, Pansear gets you the Fire Stone, and Panpour gets you the Water Stone. Hope I helped, -Ian

Where does buck go after he returns the magma stone?

to survival area, at the cafe.wooho! you can then battle the gym leaders(per day) an barry outside the cafe.

What happens after buck steals the magma stone on Pokemon diamond?

xx my answer xxu go back 2 the survival area and buck will be with his grandpa in the house on the left of the poke center. after u tlk 2 them both go back 2 stark mountain and u will be able 2 catch a lv.70 heatran in the room were buck took the stone! hope this helps ya! , Jordan p.s u cant actually have the stoneWrong AnswerActually, he is captured by team galactic andis forced to turn over the magma stone. But the magma stone is activated and Heatran is brought back to power.

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What shall you do after buck gets the magma stone on pearl?

go to the survival area the house next to the Pokemon center

When is heatran in stark mountain on Pokemon diamond?

after buck gets the magma stone go to the survival area and the house on the left of the p.c. go inside you will see buck talk to him he will say something about putting the magma stone back then he will run off then go to where he got the magma stone before and you will see heatran

Where is heaten?

deafet the Pokemon league and go to stark mountain and team up with buck and go to the end of stark mountain and buck will find the magma stone then go back to survival area and search for the house with buck in it he will put the magma stone back and go where buck found the magma stone and heatran is there

In diamond what do you do after buck gets the magma stone?

After Buck gets the Magma Stone in Diamond version, you'll need to team up with him to confront Charon at Stark Mountain. Together, you'll chase Charon to the depths of the mountain and stop him from causing an eruption. Once Charon is defeated, Buck will give you an item that allows you to access Heatran's cave.

How do you find heattrain in Pokemon diamond?

Once Buck takes the Magma stone from Stark Mountain, go to the survival area and go in one of the houses. Speak to Buck's Grandpa and then speak to Buck. He will leave the house. Go back the the place where Buck took the Magma stone and heatran will be there.

Why does Heatran not appear when I talk to Buck's Grandpa?

You have to go in the cavern and see Buck remove the stone.

How do you catch hetran in Pokemon Pearl?

help buck get to the magma stone then go to the house next to the Pokemon center in the survival area then talk to buck then go to where the magma stone was and heatran will be there

What do you do after buck gets the stone in Pokemon diamond?

go to the survival area and find Buck talk to him and he will go back to Stark Mountain with the rock. next time you go there Heatran will be hwere you and Buck found the rock. Heatran is at level 50 so bring some ultra ball's and save before you battle Heatran. Good Luck:)

Pokemon Pearl how to get heatran?

go to stark mountin pair up with buck at the end he will pick up the magma stone the mountin will shake go to the suvival area go in to a house buck will be there talk to him he will go and put the magma stone back go back to where the magma stone is and heatran will be there

When you went into stark mountain you got buck you left the mountain and buck was still with you what do you do?

If buck is with you and he wont leave than you didnt get the magma stone, go and find it. once you do (actually buck takes it), go to the survival area in the house next to the Pokemon center and talk to buck, then go back to stark mountain, enter the room where you got the magma stone, and catch the heatran that will be waiting in there for

How do you get the magma stone from Buck?

You have to go all the way back through Stark Mountain where he found it, and then there's a surprise in stall.

How do you get magma stone in platinum?

you go to stark mountain with buck then go to her house in the survival area