* perch (a type of fish) * finch (a type of bird) * nuthatch (a type of bird)
The word "sandwich" starts with an "s" and ends with a "ch".
Kiwi is a bird. It ends with the letter i.
Mouse is an animal. It ends with the letters use.
The tiger is an animal that starts with t and ends with r. Additional animals include terrier and tapir.
A small animal that lives in dirty water is called a chinch. It is a type of water mite that thrives in polluted water sources.
The word "sandwich" starts with an "s" and ends with a "ch".
No 4 letter country starts with C and ends with "ch". Chad and Cuba are the only 4 letter countries that start with the letter C. Chad, Chile and China are countries that start with "Ch". No country ends with the letters "ch".
To make a name that ends in 'ch' plural, add 'es' to the end of the name. For example, 'Birch' becomes 'Birches' in plural form.
Mouse is an animal that ends with the letters use
Chinstrap Penguin is an ocean animal. It begins with the letters ch.