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The Xbox is made in several factories around the world.

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Q: Where does Xbox come from?
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Will there be another Xbox that will come out?

The xbox 720. But im not positive that it will actually come out

Does the Xbox 360 pro come with the 60GB atached to the Xbox 360?

While it does not come attached to it, it does come in the box with it.

What Month did the Xbox come out?

Both Xbox and Xbox 360 came out in November.

When does the Xbox 540 come out?

There is not any xbox 540 but an xbox 720 is gonna come out like 2013 to somewhere 2015 but the ps4 gonna come out at 10 months

Will GTA 5 come on Xbox?

Yes it is already out on Xbox.

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Does fifa 09 come out on the Xbox?

It will on the Xbox360, not on the original Xbox

Does force unleashed 2 come for xbox?

it will for Xbox 360.

When does a Xbox 180 come out?

There is no xbox 180 coming out. Its fake.

When will madden 2010 come out for xbox 360?

This game will come out for the xbox 360 on august 11, 2009.

Does the Xbox 360 250GB come with scart lead adapter?

The Xbox come with the cables and a wireless controller

Does the Xbox 360 slim come with Xbox live?

No. You will need to register and buy Xbox live.