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Kirby lives in a place called Dreamland.

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Q: Where does Kirby from the Kirby video game live?
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Related questions

What year did the first Kirby video game created?

The first Kirby video game was created in 1992.

Was Kirby Puckett named after the video game character Kirby?

No! That's impossible. Kirby Puckett was born in 1960. Video game character Kirby wasn't introduced into the mainstream media until 1992.

Is the video game character named Kirby a boy or a girl?

I read on the back of a Kirby video game cover that Kirby was a boy. Although, I guess there isn't any real proof.

What does Kirby's world mean?

It is a video game.

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What country did the name Kirby come from?

kirby came from a video game and a girl with the last name kirby like megan kirby

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What is the best Kirby site to go to?

If you mean Kirby as in the video game character, then I recommend kirby' It has all kinds of stuff having to do with Kirby.

Kirby tails Pichu?

The best video game characters ever!

Who loves Kirby the most?

Well, this character doesn't appear in the video game, but in the Kirby cartoon, there's a female character named Tiff that really cares about Kirby and is always on his side.

Who invented Kirby?

Kirby was created by Masahiro Sakurai, a Japanese video game designer and director. Kirby first appeared in the 1992 game "Kirby's Dream Land" for the Nintendo Game Boy. Sakurai continues to be involved in the development of Kirby games to this day.

What is the history behind Kirby The video game character?

Watch the first episode of the TV series.