I don't know if it's the same as in Sapphire but I think you have to go to Mauville City and get the Basement Key off the gym leader there, Wattson, then go down to wear the man is fishing. Use surf there and go right. You will come across 2 islands one that has a tree and a sign saying something like
'Team Aqua was here, but scribbled oover was, Team Magma Rules!' Surf some more and on the next island there is a metal door, and that's where you use the basement key.
oh hai
where you use the key to turn on the quary.
use the basement key in goldenrod city. the key is in goldenrod.
The basement key is used in the Goldenrod underground. You get it while rescuing the Radio Tower from Team Rocket - specifically, after defeating a Rocket Executive disguised as the director.
You need to acquire the Secret Key that can be found in the basement of the Pokémon Mansion and then you can use the Secret Key to enter into Blaine's Gym.
oh hai
where you use the key to turn on the quary.
use the basement key in goldenrod city. the key is in goldenrod.
The basement key is used in the Goldenrod underground. You get it while rescuing the Radio Tower from Team Rocket - specifically, after defeating a Rocket Executive disguised as the director.
NO you can not play Pokemon emerald in Coloseum.
You will need to use the Secret Key which is hidden in the basement of Pokemon Mansion which is located on Cinnibar Island.
you use pal park to get emerald Pokemon to pearl bur you can't transfer them back to emerald
You need to acquire the Secret Key that can be found in the basement of the Pokémon Mansion and then you can use the Secret Key to enter into Blaine's Gym.
When facing water, open your bag and go to key items. There select the Super Rod and then use it.
you use it to open the door to the basement!
you can use it to awaken your pokemon in battle