In Obsidian Stronghold by the mercenary Square btw im Byakuran lvl 55/29 Mage/Priest from Smacht ;)
Honor Points can be spent in the Stormwind's Old Town, while members of the Horde can spend their honor points in Orgrimmar.
You spend Zeal at soul wars by Trading Nomad near the Soul Wars bank.
keep doing skill
Honor Points can be spent in the Stormwind's Old Town, while members of the Horde can spend their honor points in Orgrimmar.
Make some money on the game and spend it on some runes, and cast the spell you can cast and you will get magic xp for casting it on enemies.
no lord of the rings online has a lot more content and has way less need to spend actual money than runes of magic asides from buying expansions of course the crafting skills do not require you buy things from the turnine shop to make it possible to max crafting unlike runes of magic
spend it on some armor (if your a mage spend it on runes)
buy armor,capes,magic XP lamps, or swords
There is really no quick way - in any case it will take a long, long time.In any case, it works faster if you are willing to spend a lot of money. I am talking about many millions here! In that case, you can buy lots of the highest-level runes that work at your level (for example, at higher levels, death runes), and attack a lot. You might also repeatedly teleport, or do high alchemy. But in any case you lose money.If you don't have that much money, you might try one of the following; each of these alternatives is much slower:Make your own runesUse lower-level runes. For example, chaos runes are cheaper than death runes, for combat.Play Fist of Guthix. You get free multipurpose runes there, which you can only use at Fist of Guthix - but you still get the magic experience.There is really no quick way - in any case it will take a long, long time.In any case, it works faster if you are willing to spend a lot of money. I am talking about many millions here! In that case, you can buy lots of the highest-level runes that work at your level (for example, at higher levels, death runes), and attack a lot. You might also repeatedly teleport, or do high alchemy. But in any case you lose money.If you don't have that much money, you might try one of the following; each of these alternatives is much slower:Make your own runesUse lower-level runes. For example, chaos runes are cheaper than death runes, for combat.Play Fist of Guthix. You get free multipurpose runes there, which you can only use at Fist of Guthix - but you still get the magic experience.There is really no quick way - in any case it will take a long, long time.In any case, it works faster if you are willing to spend a lot of money. I am talking about many millions here! In that case, you can buy lots of the highest-level runes that work at your level (for example, at higher levels, death runes), and attack a lot. You might also repeatedly teleport, or do high alchemy. But in any case you lose money.If you don't have that much money, you might try one of the following; each of these alternatives is much slower:Make your own runesUse lower-level runes. For example, chaos runes are cheaper than death runes, for combat.Play Fist of Guthix. You get free multipurpose runes there, which you can only use at Fist of Guthix - but you still get the magic experience.There is really no quick way - in any case it will take a long, long time.In any case, it works faster if you are willing to spend a lot of money. I am talking about many millions here! In that case, you can buy lots of the highest-level runes that work at your level (for example, at higher levels, death runes), and attack a lot. You might also repeatedly teleport, or do high alchemy. But in any case you lose money.If you don't have that much money, you might try one of the following; each of these alternatives is much slower:Make your own runesUse lower-level runes. For example, chaos runes are cheaper than death runes, for combat.Play Fist of Guthix. You get free multipurpose runes there, which you can only use at Fist of Guthix - but you still get the magic experience.
I assume you mean, the cheapest combat type. That would be melee combat, since you don't have to constantly pay for expendables. Buy some armour, and a two-handed sword (for example), and you can continue fighting for a long time. On the other hand, for magic you constantly spend on runes, and for ranged, you constantly spend on arrows. This is quite feasible, but it certainly is more expensive.
It depends on how many runes in your set and how long it takes you to make them. Let's say you make the average set of 24 runes and it takes you approximately 10 minutes to make each rune. This includes gathering the wood, cutting the peices, enscribing it, finishing the surfice. An average person would spend 10 minutes on each rune (it usually takes me around 7). That means you would spend around an hour and a half on each set. The average price for handcrafted runes is around $40.00. So you would earn $26.60 an hour if you made a set of 24 runes and sold them for $40.00.
so sorry, there was a typo in the title. The question was supposed to be "can you spend POINTS in answers", not PAINTS. Anyways, no, If you can spend points in Answers, I am not aware of that fact.
The rune shop gives out some free samples. You can pick up runes in different places, and some monsters drop runes. Finally, you can make runes yourself. But really, looking for "free" items is a waste; it makes you lose a lot of time. You better spend that time on earning some money, and then buying the stuff you need.
No, however there is a minigame that gives you run essence as a reward as well as points of which you can spend on more rune essence, or runecrafting robes, you will also get RC exp. if you create runes using ur rune ess reward during the mini game.