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You go to the lounge and you put the begining of the hose in the drink thing and put the other end in the trash bin

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Q: Where do you put the hose in the game riddle transfer?
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How do you free Zach on riddle transfer?

get the hose from messy's pool and put it to the Chrolo-Fill machine in the lounge room, and put the other end in the thing that looks like a garbage can, then go to the goat-man, and take the flower next to the ladder, then go to zach's cell and ask him if he knows the code he will tell you a riddle, the answer is 1 2 3 4 5, click the flower and then zach's face, he will sneeze and be free.

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take zack's head in your item box and put it on the wood of the pigs cage.

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first ask smiley for the hairspray and give that to the yeddy then he will give you a die and you put it in smileys dialpad

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The riddle of human suffering.

What is the answer to this riddle - What do you fill with empty hands?

The answer to this riddle is gloves. You put your empty hands into a pair of gloves.

Where is the second gem on buildabearville jungle ruins quest?

I haven't been on in a long time. I believe its in Paw Park in the pond game...If you put the riddle in your question, that would help alot. If you have any trouble, repost your question with the riddle. :)

Who puts out a fire using a hose?

Firefighters use hoses to transfer water to the fire and put it out. Trivia: Fire Brigades were established early in Colonial America.

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What is the riddle of the snark?

you put your left foot in

What is the code for phreds cell in riddle transfer?

go to messie flush him to lake mock mess get top hat free Zack go to flying pig get Zack to burn the door down get feathers put together top hat and feathers give to big toe he will give you phreds keypad type in 93526