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um... really don't play those kind of games sorry i honesty thing in gardens

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Q: Where do you plant a love berry to make it pink?
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What flowers do you plant for blurp in moshi monsters?

For Blurp you have to plant any moon orchard, pink love berry and any love berry.

How do you get all the worldes on moshi monsters?

To get Rocky plant a pink crazy daisy [which you have to be a member for] Any Hot silly pepper and any Love berry. To get Mini Ben plant three black snap apples. To get Liberty plant a black love berry a red love berry and a black, yellow, pink or blue love berry. To get Cleo plant a blue crazy daisy [you have to be a member] a pink crazy daisy [you have to be a member] And a Yellow snap apple.

How do you get tiky on moshi monsters?

Its tiki,Anyways to get it you need to plant a Pink love berry,A red love berry and Any star blossom!

What moshling can you get with a pink love berry?

You need a pink love berry, red love berry, and any star blossom to get rare moshling tiki

What uncommon moshling do you get with a red love berry and a pink love berry?


What moshling can you get with a Pink love berry and a Pink dragon fruit?

there is no answer!

What flowers do you plant to get prof.perplex in moshi monsters?

Any Dragon Fruit Pink Love Berry Yellow Moon Orchid

How do you get Blurb on moshi monsters seeds?

pink love berry + any love berry + and moon orchid

Where do you get a pink love berry on moshi monsters?

you dont get one you just need to buy a love berry

How do you get eceo?

you buy the seed,hotsilly pepper that has to be pink or yellow,love berry that has to be black,love berry that has to be red

Is there such a thing as a yellow love berry?

Yes there is . . . When you plant a love berry (it'll grow of course) but as well it'll grow into a colour/ color. Either red, green, black,pink or blue. So there is a way to catch a yellow love berry. Please add me, I'm star-light901

What kind of berry plant has a hot pink stem?
