The only Pokemon that you can fuse is Kyurem with either Reshiram or Zekrom however you will need to use the DNA Splicers item in order to activate the fusion.
No. You could fuse Pokemon together in your imagination, but none of the games will allow you to fuse Pokemon together. It's impossible.
you cant...
I doubt it
Where can you go to play Pokemon online?
you get the ss.anne pass from bill when you de-fuse him form the Pokemon he fused him self with when he comes out talk to him and he will give you it then go to whatever city with the electric gym in it its like vermillion or something like that then you go to the boat and you go in to it and you will have to battle your rivle to get HM 1 wich is cut oh and buy the way YELLOW IN SO MUTH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to "fuse" Pokemon is impossible sorry to say
You cannot fuse pokemon.
No. You could fuse Pokemon together in your imagination, but none of the games will allow you to fuse Pokemon together. It's impossible.
You can't. In order to get a fused Pokemon you have to have beaten all 56 gym leaders. Then you go to the secret area and you will see fused Pokemon! You can't pick which ones to fuse though.
no you can't.
You can't
Fusing Pokemon is no possible in Pokemon.
go to Google and search up and get any of the sprites and then go to paint, then zoom in on it and then you have a big Pokemon sprites.: )
You can't fuse Pokemon.
no where mate
fuse dialga? well i caught him but i dont know how to FUSE dialga!
you cant...