go to xtremetop100.com and click on the maplestory tab.
You go on your trainer card you can change which type of trainer you can be and that will automatically change your appearence when in a battle.
It's your choice whatever you pick. If you prefer FPS then go with combat arms. If you like fantasy and Pokemon then go with maplestory.
To change your hairstyle on the dragon nest go to your profile settings and click the section that says appearance. There will a section where you can change the style.
You need a action reply (get it at game stop or target) Than if you go on the game website it will have a code you enter in the action reply than will let you change characters.
You can only change the facial structure at the beginning of the game, during 'file reconstruction'. After that, go to the equip screen to change armor and weapons.
This is Maplestory trying to change your screen resolution not a virus... you need to go to control panel>appearence adn themes>change resolution. Just keep trying to find the size you normally have.
You have to go to evere to buy them I no its stupid they have to change it. hope this helps.
Go to System Settings. You can change your quality, BGM and sound settings. You can also change between windowed and fullscreen mode.
If you have an account go to maplestory log in and click Create Character
hi i am rahilnow to change your appearance in yovillefirst-go to internet explorersecond-go to your accountthird-enter yovilleforth-then look above the characterfifth-you will see a icon named change charactersixth-click on it and change your appearanceENJOY !!
Go to Character Creation
You have to go to the Nexon or Maplestory folder and you will see a Game launcher. Put it on destop and name it Maplestory, then click on it and you will play. Do not click the one that says >Go to Website<.
go to xtremetop100.com and click on the maplestory tab.
Go to your inventory (press i) and double click the medal or drag into the equipment (press e) after you have received it.
In game it takes place in various parts of the fictional world of Maplestory. If you are taking about the literal location of Maplestory then it was and is in Korea. There are different real-world places you can go to in MapleStory: for example, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.
You go 2 maplestory.nexon.net and it will say in the middle-left of the page 'download maplestory'. Plz go 2 maplestory.nexon.net for more info.